Phone: 801-292-4400

Our spinal rehab programs are designed to promote dynamic spinal stability with two simple goals: decrease your pain and improve your daily function.

We use computerized balance platforms and eye movement tracking to quantify your level of balance and identify your specific neurologic weakness patterns.

By identifying sub-clinical and orthopedic weakness by bilateral discrepancies in tone and strength we can aid in improving overall performance and ability.

Using quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) to analyze the electrical activity of the brain. This therapy strengthens neural pathways while increasing mental endurance and flexibility

By determining which brain region is affected, we can customize an in-office and home rehab program to improve the activation, blood flow and function of that specific brain region. Then it is up to you to do your homework and watch your brain function improve.

No general screening test is more efficient, effective and affordable than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel. It allows us to assess your health and establish a baseline of biomarkers that track your health over time.

Nutritional recommendations that are based on patterns of healthy physiology and supported by evidence on your laboratory testing. We custom build each program to remove triggers, decrease inflammation, provide essential nutrients for optimal healing, and noticeably improve your energy and function.

Retrain formerly painful movements in minutes by simply stabilizing the pelvis and spine in a standing position. You need to experience this to believe it.

Sit upright in a pressurized chamber for 30-90 minutes to increase the amount of oxygen absorbed into each cell in your brain and body. It bypasses the red blood cell delivery system and speeds up the rate of healing.

We use one or more electrical stimulation devices that alleviate pain and improve nerve communication to and from the brain. This therapy stimulates sensory, motor, and autonomic peripheral nerves that are close to the surface of the skin.

This therapy uses a high pulsed laser frequency to increase the available energy for cellular function and healing.

Force plate therapy utilizes various exercises combined with vibration in a standing or sitting position to stimulate large diameter fibers, suppress pain, and improve lymphatic flow.

© Utah Spine & Brain Chiropractic Neurology

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